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  • 版本:
  • 大小:141.58MB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 类别:生活实用
  • 授权:
  • 更新:2024-06-18
  • 厂商:
  • 标签:


The Rise Grows Together app is a plant care and recording tool designed specifically for horticultural enthusiasts. It helps users take care of and record their flowers in a systematic way, establish and maintain records for each plant, record their growth habits and personal preferences, create personalized plant databases, synchronize plant data between different devices, and backup to prevent data loss.

Raise grows together app download图片1

Software features

1. Provide rich tutorials on flower cultivation techniques, allowing users to easily learn various gardening techniques and improve their flower cultivation skills;

2. Equipped with plant health monitoring function, by recording the growth status of plants, timely discovering and solving possible problems that plants may encounter;

3. According to seasonal changes, the app provides corresponding care guidelines to help users understand the key points of plant care in different seasons.

Software highlights

1. Provide intelligent watering reminder function, based on plant species and growth environment, to avoid users forgetting to water and ensure healthy plant growth;

2. Record daily maintenance operations such as fertilization and deworming, and the app helps track the care process of plants, making flower cultivation more scientific;

3. It has built-in search functions for various flower knowledge, allowing users to quickly search for relevant information about plants and enhance their understanding of flowers.

Software review

1. Establish a community within the app, exchange insights with other horticultural enthusiasts, share flower cultivation experiences, learn fROM each other, and inspire each other;

2. Image recognition function can help users identify plant species and obtain targeted maintenance suggestions;

3. You can write a plant growth log to record every important moment during the plant growth process, leaving behind beautiful memories.



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