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  • 版本:
  • 大小:3.4MB
  • 语言:简体中文
  • 类别:生活实用
  • 授权:
  • 更新:2024-06-15
  • 厂商:
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BlockPowerCalc app is an auxiliary tool designed specifically for volleyball sports, which helps users improve their volleyball skills and performance through a series of professional computing functions. Providing precise calculation function for serving speed, users can immediately obtain speed data after entering relevant serving parameters, helping users understand their serving ability.

BlockPowerCalc app download free图片1

Software features

1. Calculate the spike height through scientific methods, evaluate one's own spike effect, and provide data support for improving spike skills.

2. An analysis tool with blocking power that optimizes blocking actions and enhances defensive effectiveness by calculating the impact force during blocking.

3. Based on user input data, provide technical optimization suggestions to guide users on how to improve serving, spiking, and blocking techniques.

Software highlights

1. Record your training and competition data, which will save these historical records for tracking technical progress and status changes.

2. Displaying data analysis results in a graphical manner allows for a clear understanding of one's technical performance and potential for improvement.

3. Based on the user's technical level and goals, develop personalized training plans to help users improve their skills in a targeted manner.

Software review

3. It has a community function to exchange experiences with other volleyball enthusiasts, share training results, learn fROM each other, and motivate each other.

1. Rich volleyball technical tutorials and video resources can be used to learn the technical movements and training methods of professional athletes.

2. Simulate the competition scene, predict your performance under different competition conditions, and prepare for the actual competition.

3. Monitor the user's physical condition, such as jumping height, strength performance, etc., to ensure that the user is training in the best state.



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